
Is it meant to be or not to be?

Before I get started, let me tell you about a little discovery I happened to discover. Apparently, if you hit “enter” after typing in a title for your new post, it automatically publishes the post, even if you don’t have anything written for your post.

Which brings me to a question: What type of person are you?

-The type that writes a post, then tries to come up with a clever title to match what you’ve just written?

-The type that has an idea about a post, and is instantly inspired with a witty title?

-The type that doesn’t care enough to bother evaluating my question?


Kristi said...

I usually just post pictures for my post with a few words describing the picture...and then the title. Thanks for being interested :)

Johnston Family said...

I'm the type of person that likes the picture that goes along with this post! I also am the type of person that just hurries and puts a weird title that semi resembles what the pictures are of or what my post is going to be about. All randomness usually!