
Explanations and Excuses

For the few of you who actually read this post, you may be curious as to what madness prompted me to create my last post. Well, I've always wanted to write a book, so here's my chance. I'm not sure whether or not I will finish the book on the blog or just go straight to the publishers, so we'll see. Oh, and by the way, Bernadette (aka Hairy) is in fact a female.

For all you people wondering when I'll add some more pics, here you go. P.S. The first picture of Kyra is to commemorate that after two years of life, she finally let Krista do her hair.


Johnston Family said...

Sweet pictures, I am especially diggin' the one of you "sunbathing" on your couch. :)

Amy B. said...

Oh look how cute! I love the pictures and all, but what about chapter two? And I can't believe Bernadette hasn't considered laser hair removal, but maybe that will be discussed later in the book.

What is that couch doing outside?

Kristi said...

I was really wondering who those first two pictures were of...couldn't be Kyra with all that hair! She looks so adorable.

Natelli Johnston said...

cute pics! and so glad you cleared up the bernadette thing.