
Biking is Dangerous

I don't remember the last time I did two posts on consecutive days, so this is a little out of the norm for me. 

A while back, I was training for a triathlon and had this little incident occur.  Well, I am training for another triathlon, and went for a little bike ride last night.  I was riding at a casual pace down by Riverton when, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a small object zipping towards me and nailed me just below the throat.  It hit me pretty good and I felt it drop into my shirt.  I assumed it was a small pebble that had been dislodged by a passing car.  However, I soon felt an intense stinging sensation on my chest.  I immediately grabbed my shirt at the location of the sting, and felt a little crunch between my fingers.  By this time I had stopped riding, and shook the object out of my shirt.  Sho'nuf, it was a bee and I was stung.

I wasn't sure what to do since I was several miles from home.  Then, I remember that my wife's sweet cousin (I'll call her Deb) lives pretty close to where I was at.  I wasn't sure if she'd be home, but I figured it was my best shot.  Luckily, I caught her just before she was going to leave.  I got a few ice cubes and went into the bathroom.  It's probably good that my chin blocked my view of the bee sting earlier because I had a big-old red spot on my chest.  If I'd have seen this on the street, I would have freaked out.  I put the ice on the area and the stinger came out just enough so that I could remove it with my fingers. 

Maybe this is a sign that I should stay away from triathlons in general; and, specifically, avoid biking...


R Clan said...

Oh my goodness...I would have flipped out!

Johnston Family said...

Love your animations that go along with your stories! By the by, I HATE BEES!!! You know how a lot of girls are afraid of spiders, not me, it's the bee's that get me every time. Stupid scary buggers!

Johnston Family said...

I love how my comments have to be approved by you. Woooo weeee! what up with dat, what up with dat....(insert SNL skit here)